Generate and Evaluate Predictions using LLMs & ML models - Learn More
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Build AI With Your Company DNA

Prepare training data, fine-tune LLMs, and validate models, with the most popular data labeling platform.

250,000+ data scientists and annotators use Label Studio to build the most performant and differentiated AI models

2-3 x Increase in revenue generated through ML-based products
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525 % Increase in capacity to take on labeling projects
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25 % Reduction in development time for new labeling tasks
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Label Studio Enterprise

Build differentiated models and continually improve model performance with the most versatile, end-to-end data labeling platform.

Explore the Platform

The right tool for developing accurate foundation models.

Label Studio allows you to automate the bulk of your labeling with any foundation model and any dataset. Use workflows and analytics to identify and label items that require human feedback, allowing you to produce differentiated, accurate models in a fraction of the time required by traditional labeling.

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Streamline data labeling operations.

Efficiently assign roles and tasks, report on team performance, and establish feedback loops to improve not only data quality, but annotator performance over time.


Understand both model and human labeling performance with actionable dashboards.


Integrate any SSO provider and easily manage user roles and permissions.

Queue Management

Customize and automate labeling queues to ensure seamless item assignment and review.

Agreement Matrix

Visually identify ground truth data items and find potential data quality issues.

Keep your data private and secure.

We never touch your data, and our platform is SOC2 certified.

Learn More About Security

See how Label Studio Enterprise can work at your organization.